Deck choice

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
I agree that deck choice is now unwieldy. Not sure how the code is written, but if it's possible to let them come up randomly *unless* the user has picked one (or more?), it would work better from this side of things.

But it's a minor inconvenience at worst if it stays as it is.

Great site, fellas. Thanks.


    CEJ wrote:
    I agree that deck choice is now unwieldy. Not sure how the code is written, but if it's possible to let them come up randomly *unless* the user has picked one (or more?), it would work better from this side of things.

    We have been arguing about this very idea for the last few days. Specifically what should all unchecked do? And if it's a random choice (which is it now) should we default to that when you haven't ever selected a deck rather than all checked (as we do now)?

    The main reason it is like it is now is because we thought it was more likely that people hated one particular back than it was that they loved a specific one. It seem that the recent posters (a vocal minority?) disagree.

    Thanks for your feedback,
  • Wow, this one is generating some talk. I don't even notice the backs (though I do like the dinosaur), too busy getting into the games! I guess it all gets down to the point that you can only make some of the people happy some of the time.
  • The site remembers who I am and all my previous games when I log in, could it not remember my deck choice(s) too?
    Elliesam wrote:
    The site remembers who I am and all my previous games when I log in, could it not remember my deck choice(s) too?

    Hi Elliesam,

    The game is supposed to remember your deck choice! It does for us. We aren't sure why it's not doing it for you. We are looking into it.

    Jim and I finally figured out what the problem was so the game should now remember your deck choices between visits.

  • Is it at all possible to have my choice of decks always be part of my profile? I really hate having to deselect all of them everytime I play. Please help me and my OCD???
    vsmunn wrote:
    Is it at all possible to have my choice of decks always be part of my profile? I really hate having to deselect all of them everytime I play. Please help me and my OCD???
    Hmm. It really should be saving your preferences so that they are always there when you come back. However, we are currently not storing the prefs on our server—they are stored in your browser. Do you regularly clear your browser history or use different computers to play Green Felt?

  • Sorry David, nearly missed your response amid hundreds of whines from people who don't realise the date and/or have no sense of humour (or humor depending on where they are).

    I now understand this is history clearance thing for me then as I'm set up to wipe on exit. If I close and reload the session the choice stays but closing the browser clears it. A minor inconvenience and one I refuse to moan about because the +s of this site way way way outnumber the -s

    Love you GFGs :D
    For what it's worth, Jim and I intend to store the preferences on the server at some point. So, eventually your pain will go away. :-) In the mean time, I don't know what browser you're using off hand, but I know that Firefox, for example, will let you make exceptions for the cookies that get cleared out when you close the browser. You could let greenfelt cookies stay, and then your prefs would be remembered. Other browsers may have that same functionality—but I'm not sure.

    Oh, and we love you too. :-)


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