card color

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2013 in Feature Requests
how do i make blue helix my default as opposed to "random"?????????????????????Game: klondike
Game #: 2353135781




    lilaco wrote:
    how do i make blue helix my default as opposed to "random"?


    Just click on the card back pull down on the control panel to the right of the Auto Finish button. As you suggested, it is Random by default.

  • What control button? there is nothing next to the auto button on my laptop--auto is the last button on the right.
    cappie wrote:
    What control button? there is nothing next to the auto button on my laptop--auto is the last button on the right.
    I've attached a screenshot. It's the "menu button" that says "random" all the way to the right. Past even the "game #". It might look slightly different since all browsers tend to render them a little differently, but it should always be there when the game shows card backs. You might notice the menu isn't there in Freecell and Sea Haven Towers, for instance.

  • ok thank you. However that only changes the card for one game. The next game also has to be "chosen" & so on. Isn't there a way to keep the choice forever--on every game without going back & clicking a choice each time?
    Guest wrote:
    ok thank you. However that only changes the card for one game. The next game also has to be "chosen" & so on. Isn't there a way to keep the choice forever--on every game without going back & clicking a choice each time?

    It is set for your browser using a cookie. If you allow cookies, then it should be set on every game.


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