
edited December 2013 in Feature Requests
Hi - I'm playing on an iPhone and the screen is really small. I keep hitting Feature Requests instead of New Game, and pause instead of undo. Is it possible to reduce the number of buttons and increase their size or space them better? I only really need New Game, Undo & Auto-finish. Or you could do an App. Thanks.


    Anon wrote:
    Hi - I'm playing on an iPhone and the screen is really small. I keep hitting Feature Requests instead of New Game, and pause instead of undo. Is it possible to reduce the number of buttons and increase their size or space them better? I only really need New Game, Undo & Auto-finish.
    Yeah, it's probably a good idea to make that part responsive to screen size.

    Or you could do an App. Thanks.
    That's actually on our list as well. We have an app started, and we got to the point where the games basically work but look bad and have no interface. Then we got sidetracked by life and haven't finished it up. :-(. One day, mark my words, it will be done!

  • I don't know how quickly you move on these things, maybe if I posted every time I hit a wrong button you'd see how annoying it is. I can't be the only one playing on a smartphone.
    Anon wrote:
    I don't know how quickly you move on these things, maybe if I posted every time I hit a wrong button you'd see how annoying it is. I can't be the only one playing on a smartphone.

    Thanks for posting again. We need the kick.


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