Love your Klondike

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited November 2013 in General Discussion
It flat-out puts one in a cool, objective, stress-free zone—what? me worry? It's a daily check for Alzheimer's—am 83 and have none so far—and it exercises the fingers to allay arthritis. The changed holiday colors make me laugh out loud, and I love the way you answer questions. Wonderfully civilized. I don't understand the Leader Board either—I've not been able to log in since the initial registration and according to today's long letter about cheating, that's a factor. But no matter. I play against myself—and with/against the top 10 who appear at the end of every game. Thank you!


    Thanks for writing! We appreciate the feedback, and we're glad you like it. I see your account, so if you call or email (my address is at the bottom of every game), we can give you a password.

    Have fun,
    (714) brand-me

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