Recording scores

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited October 2013 in Bug Reports
Why don't my high-scores show up in the summary, for example: Yesterday, I played Freecell with a score of 18s and today 17s, but my name is not listed.


    Denny's wrote:
    Why don't my high-scores show up in the summary, for example: Yesterday, I played Freecell with a score of 18s and today 17s, but my name is not listed.

    I see your name listed with a time of 17s for this game of freecell, but that score will not show up on the leader board because it was not your first time winning that particular shuffle. We try to encourage single plays on the leader board, while still supporting multiple plays on the individual game pages. Alas, some people are using another subtle feature to replay and still get on the leader board. We will close that loophole soon. :(

    Thanks for your feedback,

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