bug in freecell?

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited October 2013 in Bug Reports
Game: freecell
Game #: 162334947
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0

Please describe the problem in detail:

On FREECELL It is possible to screen capture the board of any game (e.g. Game 1) by right button select a "New Game" and then left button click to move back to Game 1. This deactivates the pause feature when the moving to another window, which allows a user to screen-capture the board in MSWORD giving them a record of any state of the game. A player, if they want to then spend the effort, can then reconstruct the game without being timed.

Although this is quite cleaver, it does alter the playing field in favor of the more perverse of the community. It would also be interesting if removing this bud caused some of the faster players to slow down.

In particular, I am curious if this would affect the time of"3bc" who is now completing games in under 10 s while his nearest competitor takes over twice that time and most take over a minuet. If he is not using this bug or another one like it then the guy is seriously weird or a meth freak, or both!

Anyway damn you for such fun games. Thanks


    Hi ravel,

    That's a interesting technique, but much too much work! 3bc uses the same trick that many of that fast players use. They play anonymously over and over until they do well and then log in.

    We plan to change this so that you get *all* the games you played anonymously and not just the last one, or maybe we'll just get rid of the feature. We overestimated how often we'd be logged out and want to claim a game we just played anonymously and underestimated the lengths people would go to to get on the leader board!

    Thanks for writing,

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