
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2013 in Feature Requests
Game: freecell
Game #: 1123201701
just a suggestion.

as far as i'm aware, if i restart a game, i get a score of eg 3 with say 8 moves and so on, but at least i get into the leader board.

i think it would be better to simply accumulate my time. if i restart the same game 6 times then, only when i finally play out, do i get a single time for the entire duration of that process.

from start of new game to play out, one long time.

i have played MANY versions. this is my favourite


    Etsod wrote:
    as far as i'm aware, if i restart a game, i get a score of eg 3 with say 8 moves and so on, but at least i get into the leader board.

    i think it would be better to simply accumulate my time. if i restart the same game 6 times then, only when i finally play out, do i get a single time for the entire duration of that process.

    from start of new game to play out, one long time.

    I agree, that accumulating time is a better way to go. It would be more fair. One of the problems is that if you know the tricks (using a separate browser or computer, clearing cookies, logging in and out, etc), you can get around our attempts to keep track of previous plays. I will try and think more about how to get around these and make it work.
    Etsod wrote:
    i have played MANY versions. this is my favourite

    Thanks for letting us know!


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