High Score Tables

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2013 in Feature Requests
I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this, but wouldn't it be 'fairer' if your high score table was based on moves made not just time taken? Frankly anyone can keep replaying the game one they've solved it to get a faster and faster time but often they are not the least number of moves. Surely some recognition of solving in less moves could work? Maybe either some combined scoring system that had a weighted score including moves and time. Or just two separate tables for each game where one would be on moves taken (with time as a secondary sort).

Just a suggestion. I guess I'm the more methodical type of player and it is sometimes galling to see myself in 10th place even when I solved in far less moves than those above me in the ranking.

Great game though!


    IanBrit wrote:
    I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this, but wouldn't it be 'fairer' if your high score table was based on moves made not just time taken?

    As a matter of fact, this just recently came up and in response I added the ability to sort by moves on the individual game pages. Just click the "Moves" column heading. You cannot do that on the leader board yet, but I hope to add that soon.
    IanBrit wrote:
    Frankly anyone can keep replaying the game one they've solved it to get a faster and faster time but often they are not the least number of moves. Surely some recognition of solving in less moves could work?

    I'm not so sure. You can also, though maybe not as easily, play over and over to get fewer moves.
    IanBrit wrote:
    Great game though!

    Thanks and thanks for your feedback,
  • Interestingly, I don't know if it's just my browser (IE10) or designed that way, but when I first finish a game I don't have the option to sort on the 'congratulations' scoreboard. To do that I need to exit and reload using the high scores button. This is no problem whatsoever, I merely pass on information...
    Still love this site!
    Elliesam wrote:
    Interestingly, I don't know if it's just my browser (IE10) or designed that way, but when I first finish a game I don't have the option to sort on the 'congratulations' scoreboard. To do that I need to exit and reload using the high scores button. This is no problem whatsoever, I merely pass on information...

    Thanks, I hadn't noticed that!


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