
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited August 2013 in Feature Requests
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 986120120

It really sucks that I cant move my matching sets to the other matching sets. Also it would be ** GREAT ** if I were able to use the deck 1 more time.


    It really sucks that I cant move my matching sets to the other matching sets.

    Could you explain what you want in a bit more detail? Please lay out what's in the piles you want to move from and to and what you'd like to see happen. If it's reasonable we'll try and support it.
    Also it would be ** GREAT ** if I were able to use the deck 1 more time.

    I agree, but sadly it wouldn't be Forty Thieves then!
  • What I mean is I am unable to move more than 1 card at a time.
    Example; 4,5,6, of spades I'd to move my 2 & 3 of spades to that set. ( I am new to the game. So it may just be me being a cry baby bec it keeps kicking my tail. lol)

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