Freecell green felt

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2013 in Bug Reports
Game: freecell
Game #: 1047317649
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_1_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10B329 Safari/8536.25

Please describe the problem in detail
Why is it when I want to move, a queen onto a king, all of a sudden the king flies off to the upper section and the queen just gets left in the empty slot.....even though it was a legal (black on red) move.
I've only been playing this a few nights, but it's happened almost every game.


    Why is it when I want to move, a queen onto a king, all of a sudden the king flies off to the upper section and the queen just gets left in the empty slot.....even though it was a legal (black on red) move.
    I've only been playing this a few nights, but it's happened almost every game.

    Hi Pat,

    This happens after one second hovering over a card that can move leaving a spot for the card(s) you are dragging. If you pull the queen away, so that it's not overlapping, the king will come right back. If you drop it within the one second, the queen will end up on the king. If you had initially clicked the queen instead of dragged it, it would have ended up on the king (or its dual) without you having to drag it.

    Analogously, let's say before you picked up that queen, there was a 2 on top of it. Conventionally, you would have to move that two up two a free cell before picking up the queen. We allow you to just pick the queen up and the two will move to a free cell as needed. Drop the queen and the two will move back after the queen does.

    With this in mind, play around and let us know if it makes more sense.

    Thanks for your feedback,

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