Different scoring algorithm?

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2013 in Feature Requests
Game: addiction
Game #: 4149994028

Hi guys:

I really enjoy your variant on the game.

I was wondering: I frequently solve the puzzle with the fewest moves, yet the score only reflects how long it took to solve.

Was wondering if you might come up with a way to reflect both on the ranking? Not sure the right way to do that (e.g., 50% time, 50% number of moves) but it's a thought?

Keep up the great work!



    I really enjoy your variant on the game.!
    I was wondering: I frequently solve the puzzle with the fewest moves, yet the score only reflects how long it took to solve.

    Was wondering if you might come up with a way to reflect both on the ranking? Not sure the right way to do that (e.g., 50% time, 50% number of moves) but it's a thought?

    We've been thinking about how to do this. At a minimum we will allow you to click on the column heading to sort by either moves or time (with score always being the first sort key). This way we avoid picking an arbitrary combination of the two and each person can decide which sort they like the best.

    The main reason we don't do moves right now is because we have to decide what to about undo/redo. Currently I think we should not count an undo or redo as a move, but any move you make including those you later undone (but not redone) will be counted as a move.

    The final outstanding question about moves. For example, if I drag a sequence of 3 cards in Freecell, how many moves should that be? 1 or 5 (move the two up, then one across and then the two back down)?


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