Text on pages has gotten quite small

edited April 2013 in Bug Reports
but only on Firefox 20.0 on a Mac running 10.7.5. It is OK on Safari. I've refreshed and restarted to no avail and cleared the history and cookies. It happened quite suddenly this evening.

I must also take time to tell you again how much I enjoy your site. It is a true gem.

Thank you,



    meka wrote:
    but only on Firefox 20.0 on a Mac running 10.7.5. It is OK on Safari. I've refreshed and restarted to no avail and cleared the history and cookies. It happened quite suddenly this evening.

    I suspect you have "zoomed". Try pressing Command-Zero or using the menus, View->Zoom->Reset.
    meka wrote:
    I must also take time to tell you again how much I enjoy your site. It is a true gem.

    Thanks, though in your case your recurring position on the leader board speaks for itself!

  • Thank you... that was it!


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