Firefox 20.0.1

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2013 in Bug Reports
Ever since the update to Firefox 20.0.1 I have not been able to get anything but the background lists on this page.


    Lhb wrote:
    Ever since the update to Firefox 20.0.1 I have not been able to get anything but the background lists on this page.
    It should definitely work with Firefox (that's the browser that Jim and I both use on a day to day basis). It sounds like something might be cached incorrectly—Try holding the shift key and clicking the "reload page" button.

  • Thanks, for the suggestion, but that didn't work either. I don't have any problems with any other websites. Any other ideas? Thanks.
    LHBear wrote:
    Thanks, for the suggestion, but that didn't work either. I don't have any problems with any other websites. Any other ideas? Thanks.

    I would suggest clearing your caches. I just tried Firefox 20.0.1 on Windows 7 and it worked fine. I suspect it's something on your side.

  • Yes, it's probably something on my end, but I sure can't figure out what. I've cleaned the caches, checked the options settings, checked all the configuration changes I can find. Well, something will resolve it eventually. Thanks. Love your games and am spoiled, so I will get it straightened out.
  • Found the issue, finally. AdBlock Plus was blocking it.
    LHBear wrote:
    Found the issue, finally. AdBlock Plus was blocking it.
    Ahh! It didn't like "stats" in one of the js files? I suddenly remember going through that myself a couple years ago :-). Maybe we can do something on our side to fix that (not sure if that's possible). But thanks.

    Luckily we don't have any ads.


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