Request new feature

edited February 2013 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike
Game #: 2140592014

Having fun on "Greenfelt" Solitaire does not express how much I now enjoy my day.

I have a wish [request a feature]
Instead of having items in a box above the game making me scroll back up for each item - put [new game, pause, Undo,
Auto-finish] in a column on the right side of the solitaire window - OR have 'new game' in upper left corner of window, 'pause' lower left corner, 'Undo upper right corner, 'Auto-finish', lower right - - well you get my drift. When I am in the middle of a game, need to 'undo', I have to scroll back up to make a choice and then back down to continue the game.

I know nothing about programs so this request may not be possible - it was just a thought. I will never leave your web site because this game, for me, is JUST PERFECT'. I have a hard time
leaving the site which may be good for the waist line but not for my body, I need to move.

Thank you so much for all of the time you guys have put into the
wonderful site.

Kay Heard
Dallas TX


    tommy wrote:
    Having fun on "Greenfelt" Solitaire does not express how much I now enjoy my day.

    I have a wish [request a feature]
    Instead of having items in a box above the game making me scroll back up for each item - put [new game, pause, Undo,
    Auto-finish] in a column on the right side of the solitaire window - OR have 'new game' in upper left corner of window, 'pause' lower left corner, 'Undo upper right corner, 'Auto-finish', lower right - - well you get my drift. When I am in the middle of a game, need to 'undo', I have to scroll back up to make a choice and then back down to continue the game.

    I know nothing about programs so this request may not be possible - it was just a thought. I will never leave your web site because this game, for me, is JUST PERFECT'. I have a hard time
    leaving the site which may be good for the waist line but not for my body, I need to move.
    We're glad you like it!

    Jim and I have been discussing this very thing. We also find it annoying that the toolbar can be off the screen when you scroll down. The solution we're leaning towards is to make the toolbar "stick" to the top of the screen as you scroll past it. That way it's always on the screen and you don't have to go hunting for it.

    Another feature that already exists and can help in this regard is the keyboard shortcuts. You can use Command-Z and Command-Shift-Z for Undo and Redo respectively, and Command-A for the "autofinish" feature (on games that support it). I personally find the keys way more convenient than the toolbar.

    Most people are sitting at a desk and they are only inches from the screen. I am sitting in my easy chair with a track ball in my lap while the keyboard is way over on the desk - not close.

    Your suggestion about locked toolbar sounds GREAT to me. I will keep my fingures crossed. [Beside, I am 83 and use your site many times a day]

    tommy wrote:
    Most people are sitting at a desk and they are only inches from the screen. I am sitting in my easy chair with a track ball in my lap while the keyboard is way over on the desk - not close.

    We do intend to lock the toolbar to the top or side of the screen. In the mean however I have hooked auto-play, undo and redo up to the mouse.

    In particular now:
    • Auto-Play - Left click mouse (anywhere on the board where there are no cards)
    • Undo - Right click mouse
    • Redo - Middle click mouse

    Let us know if this works for you.

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