New Game blues :)

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2013 in Bug Reports
Game: canfield
Game #: 1509986416
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0

Please describe the problem in detail:
I accidentally clicked on 'New Game' when I didn't mean to...

So I clicked 'Undo' and that undid the new game starting... kind of. It didn't change the game number, but it did set the cards back to how they were before I clicked on 'New Game'

But because it was still trying to play the new game, when I got a ten (which the previous game started with) I couldn't put it to the top, but a six (which the new game started with) would happily go to the top.

I hope this made enough sense for you :)


    Andy wrote:
    I accidentally clicked on 'New Game' when I didn't mean to...

    So I clicked 'Undo' and that undid the new game starting... kind of. It didn't change the game number, but it did set the cards back to how they were before I clicked on 'New Game'

    But because it was still trying to play the new game, when I got a ten (which the previous game started with) I couldn't put it to the top, but a six (which the new game started with) would happily go to the top.

    I hope this made enough sense for you :)

    First, let me say thank you for your detailed bug report!

    We implemented that feature (undoing into a previous game) a long time ago and we haven't thought about it since, so I'm not surprised it's broken. I hardly ever click "New Game" due to my no-more-than-one-game-a-day policy, so I'll give it a try and see if it is as broken as you suggest.


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