Pyramid - cannot discard when match in discard pile.

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2012 in Bug Reports
I see this was reported a few years back - but I didn't see an official response... I would guess it is deferred. (as I imagine that left to right vs right to left drags would not be intuitive... ...and I don't suppose tablet users have a right click option...)

Anyway, I noticed on pyramid game 19 (I think) I needed to discard an eight on a five (or vice versa) - and couldn't because those cards would be automatically matched.

Again, if this hasn't been mentioned in several years - it probably isn't worth fixing... ...but just wanted to bump it.


Btw - I really enjoy the site... ...and you bring far more joy than frustration... :D Keep up the good work...


    You are correct. We know you can't place a matching card in the waste pile without matching it automatically. If you have any ideas about how make the usual match case easy while still allowing this unusual, but sometimes needed move in a reasonably discoverable way, we are all ears.

    Here's my potential solution. What if when you click on the top card in the waste pile it would flip over. Then we would make flipped cards not match. If you change your mind you could just flip it back over with a click. This wouldn't affect any current play style because we don't currently allow you to click on the waste to match with the stock (even though I can't see why not).


    Thanks for the feedback!

  • jim wrote:
    If you have any ideas about how make the usual match case easy while still allowing this...
    I'm most definitely not a UI person. If it works for me, then no one else would ever understand it... :)
    jim wrote:
    What if when you click on the top card in the waste pile it would flip over. Then we would make flipped cards not match. If you change your mind you could just flip it back over with a click.
    My fear would be people reporting a "bug" stating that the top card in the waste pile randomly displays incorrectly...

    I would probably make two drop areas for each behavior, but then people would be confused by two drop areas for one stack. (again, why I'm not a UI person).

    So maybe the other person's suggestion about left to right vs right to left is the more correct??? (left to right is no match... Right to left is match... This would/might change the current gameplay for click - so maybe a bad idea still...)

    I figure if two people have complained in four years - it might not be worth fixing until someone suggests an elegant solution...

    Anyone else?

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