none of my high scores are staying

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2012 in Bug Reports
None of my high scores on forty thieves is staying. I have had the high score the last three days with nothing to show for it.


  • High scores are kept separately for each seed of each game.

    Each day, a new seed designed as the Game of the Day is chosen as the default seed.

    Chances are, your high scores are still there. As for whether you can remember the previous seed(s), that is a different story.
    nhardee wrote:
    None of my high scores on forty thieves is staying.

    Hi Nate,

    The first one stays. The Leader Board only shows your first play for a given shuffle to discourage replaying. We know some people like to replay, so the high score box on the individual game's page does show all your scores.

  • So, if I play the game of the day three times only the 1st score stays.
    nhardee wrote:
    So, if I play the game of the day three times only the 1st score stays.
    Yes, assuming you get the same score each time. If you get a higher score then that new higher score will stay. The difference is that just a faster time doesn't show up.


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