Auto Finish

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2012 in Feature Requests
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1382475473

I don't know if it is bug or not. But it bugs me that when I use the auto finish button the cards pull from the pile and/or usually takes from the shorter stacks rather than the long one which I have built with the intention of being a good play. I'd like to use the auto feature but it ends up being a poorer play most times. Just wondering why you set it up to do this?


    The auto-finish algorithm selects the left most pile that has a card that can be played. I usually just undo when it selects the wrong one. The only really "correct" thing would be for us to do nothing when you auto-finish and there are two possible choices. Given that "leftmost" is an arbitrary heuristic, if you think "longest pile" or something else would be better, let us know. I don't usually play games that have the ambiguity, so I'm open to suggestions.

    Jim's right. I think the ambiguity mostly arises because Forty Thieves is the only 2 deck game that uses auto-complete. Auto-complete was written with one deck games in mind and so it's not perfect on Forty Thieves. It's on our list to redo that code--one day it will happen :-).

  • Thanks for the explanation. I don't know what others think but I like your suggestion of choosing the longest pile. I build those piles because it is my intention to move them into the stacks. Seems like that would be my first choice in an auto play over it always taking from the left. For the occasional times one doesn't want to play the longest pile you could undo or click the cards you want to play.

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