Lost password
Game: klondike3
Game #: 183533772
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I have lost my password and have a need for it. I sent a private message to David on the 22nd but have not received an answer, so I'm now questioning if I even did that right. Anyway, I'm hoping that either Jim or David will see this and be able to provide me with the information I need.
Please and thank you.
@jim or @david
@justhere You are signed in to Green Felt or you wouldn't have been able to make this post.
Yeah, I know. But I was going to do something and needed my password.
@justhere You could message either of them. Click on their names in my comment above.
Tried that already. Private messaged David on Oct. 22.....no answer. That's why I was hoping one of them would see this post.
I’ve had similar issues before, and sometimes the message just doesn’t send right, especially if the site glitches a bit. I’d check your sent messages to be sure it actually went through. If not, it’s worth trying again or maybe messaging Jim too, just to cover all bases. Hopefully, they’ll get back to you soon—waiting on a password reset can be super frustrating.
Thank you, Aileen2112, for your response. If I knew how to check my sent messages....I would. I don't... so I wont't. LOL. Anyway, like I said in another post somewhere....I've pretty much given up on getting an answer from Jim or David. Again, thanks.