Looking for mentor in forty thieves

I’ve been playing the game for around a year pretty consistently. I don’t care about being super fast. What I really want to learn is how to beat some of the games. I’ve tried COUNTLESS times on certain beatable games with no avail… would love some help from those that are consistently 104 score.


  • A bunch of attempts at this one today 😞

  • A bunch of attempts at this one today

  • Which one? Post the game number and maybe somebody will post some helpful hints. For what it’s worth, I have had much the same experience. I have tried many times to beat games that have been beaten by others, but to no avail. For the life of me, I can’t figure out how they did it. But I guess that’s part of the appeal of Forty Thieves! Good luck to you, my friend.

  • @slackadelic You need to include game # in your post(s) in order for someone to be able to help you, give you hints.

  • This is a good post, I even tried to get chatgpt to solve some games for me to no avail. I asked if the ai knew the rules and to recite them; it flawlessly described the gameplay. I typed in the talon and tableau asked if it understood what was entered, and it really did if felt like there was going to be a great success. Then said ok solve; and it spat back about ten moves which broke just about every rule it had just stated, anyway I spent about two hours trying to have AI solve a forty thieves known solvable and couldn't even get it past a couple moves.

  • So, it is not always about picking up the 1st cards that work off the pile. Sometimes picking up the later version of the same card is the better option. Also look at what you need to move so you can get a vacant space so you are able to pull a card off the pile that is (usually a low card) helpful the build up your finished pile.

  • Going backwards in the discard pile, when you can, is often as important as going forward with a new card turn.

  • Look at where the low denomination cards are first,two's and three's and, of course aces.Make sure you don't block them off in the early stages.Go back when you need to and take your time to think it out.This is not a fast game.Study the top players and note how many moves they have to make to complete the game.I'm just an average player but all of the above advice should be of use to you.Above all else enjoy.Take care.

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