how are there games i cant figure out when others can?

Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1141168423
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  • That's often my question, too!!! I think it must be memory,

  • The next time you get a game that has you completely stumped but others seem to be able to finish high on, play it over and over with different techniques. Forty Thieves is often about NOT making plays; for instance, it's no good having a nearly complete stack in the tableau, even KQJ1098765432, if you can't uncover the ace. Run through it once without putting anything on the tableau at all, just playing off to the foundation piles, just to see how that leaves you. Remember that open tableau spaces are golden; don't fill them unless you have cards that will be playable soon. After you've run through the game a few times, you should be able to pick up points that you weren't getting the first time.

    Forty Thieves is very popular and very hard! It attracts some VERY highly skilled players. Many years ago I could finish high up the table on most games, and even get into the leaderboard on occasion; now, my leaderboard position is usually in the 200-500 range, and I'm rarely in the top ten even for games with few players yet. I've been outclassed by better players. Still fun, though.

  • Thanks for the very good advice on how to play Forty Thieves, @Fnarf , it's difficult game to find a "key" for. :)

  • @Fnarf Thanks for your tips.

  • @ Fnarf.Excellent advice on a very difficult game.Like chess you have to think ahead before you make too many moves.Like you I am not often in the top ten but I find it a very enjoyable but testing game to play.Take care.

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