BUG. Right click reverts to previous game

Game: freecell
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0
Window: 1076x900
JS-Version: 2024-08-08_13:14:02_-0700_cf07a26b09eaac7a31cd343007f3321b56621a2b

Right click is great to go back one play.

But after the first move, intermittently the right click will not jump back to the beginning of the game, but rather jump all the way back to the last move of the previous game.

This is disturbing and prevents playing the game at hand.

Please fix this, which is definitely in the category of a "bug".



    We consider it a feature. You can redo to go back to your old game from your old old game!

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