New "ERROR" advisory

No more waiting and wondering, quick and clean. Thank you J&D


  • Ah, just discovered what Ptownpapa was talking about. Nice notification. Thanks, guys. :)

  • It's great that the games continue to work during the maintenance!

  • great idea @Ptownpapa more waiting for the fix.

    I can only think of one thing that would improve you think it's possible to change a word?
    When I've won a game the word "Error"shows up 🌝. I know I'm not a good player but really...

  • "BOO BOO", "AH SHOOT", "SORRY ABOUT THAT" Doesn't have that professional IT twang.
    It's not your fault anyway and it's not an error either anyway

    As @graeme says PLAY ON

  • WOW!!...@Ptownpapa...where's your sense of humour? The last post was a little bit of playing with words.
    Do you usually take these things seriously? If so, I'll avoid mentioning you in any future posts so you won't be offended.

  • PtownpapaPtownpapa REGISTERED
    edited August 9

    ??? Sorry - I meant it as a joke. Step back and try hearing a light hearted muse. I was riffing on the word "ERROR"
    Maybe my humor grey cells were off kilter - again sorry

  • apology necessary. If anything, I was the one who was a little off track by not being more specific about what I was trying to portray. What I should have said is;

    "I'm such a bad player that when I win, even a machine can't believe it so... it thinks it must be an error."

    Thanks again for your last post, much appreciated.

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