Spider unsecured.

Game: spider1
Game #: 1677190012
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Safari/605.1.15
Window: 1192x705
JS-Version: 2024-06-09_16:14:27_-0700_d9fd059e23755822b8060fac72b5d3d4cf822e9d

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

While playing Spider 1, the cards move in the most unexpected ways. The cards have to be moved countless times to get them anchored. Clicking on a card sometimes ends up in several cards and columns being moved. Also, clicking on a card sometimes will undo several previous moves.



    Hi @Paki-I-am,

    Yes, this is how it is supposed to work on Green Felt! The cards fly around (unpredictably at first). Once you figure out what's happening it becomes quite powerful. First make sure you are tapping with one finger. Two fingers does undo and tapping outside of any card does auto-play. If you do a legal move by dragging a card to where it can legally go, then the game will do exactly as you intend. If however you skip a few steps, the game will happily fill in those you skipped if the moves are simple enough. So if you grab a card you can't legally grab because a card is on top of it, we'll try and move that card out of the way. If there are many cards on top, we'll try and move all of them. If you hover with a card (or stack of cards) over a spot, we'll try and make that a legal move there, possibly by moving things out of the way.

    Give it some time. We think you'll like it.

    Have fun,

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