could you add the sound of the rustling of the cards??

Game: klondike
Game #: 3239718907
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JS-Version: 2024-03-13_15:35:22_-0700_66eb709cda2ce2f652eab96aad7048deae8af0b5

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could you add the sound of the rustling of the cards??


  • could you add the sound of the rustling of the cards?? It would greatly improve the gaming experience! Thank you

  • Please don't. This has been brought up multiple times, and so far those of us who like the quiet have won out. I suppose I could live with sound if I had the option to block it. But with all the noise in the world, it's nice to be quiet once in awhile. I often listen to my favorite music while I'm playing.

  • tucsonskytucsonsky REGISTERED
    edited May 30

    if u want to hear rustling sounds while playing the games just crumple up some cellophane and put it under ur laptop

  • tucsonsky, that's funny. Made me laugh out loud....sitting here by myself. :)

  • Play your game with cards,you'll not only feel the cards but have the pleasure of listening to them as they rustle merrily away...............but not on this site.Take care.

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