
offensive and political messages have no place here


  • Here's my answer to your July 2023 complaint about this...

    @Bob&Wilma If there are any particularly offensive user names you feel should be monitored, please message @jim or @david about them.

  • There are some user names that are almost abusive. I moved from tune3 to another game where only me score shows. By the way,, can anyone tell me how the games Hopless is socred.??

  • DeusExMachinaDeusExMachina REGISTERED
    edited May 28

    @SmithRiver': The scoring for Hopeless varies from version to version. The formula for the three color version is ([number of blocks] squared)3. So 2 blocks = 43 = 12 points; 3 = 93 = 27; 100 = 10,0003 = 30,000.
    For four color, it’s ([number of blocks]2)squared. So 2 blocks = 4 squared = 16 points; 3 = 6 squared = 36; 100 = 200 squared = 40,000.
    For five colors, it’s ([number of blocks]
    5)* [number of blocks]. So 2 blocks = 102 = 20 points; 3 = 153 = 45; 100 = 500*100 = 50,000.
    I haven’t tried to figure out the others…

  • Yeah, I reported one recently in PM to David and never did get a response. The name in question is "I Shit On Trump". I reported it over a week ago and yet they're still here on Greenfelt so I figure the guys either don't care or don't have time to do anything about it. Personally, names with profanity or politics shouldn't be allowed but I don't make the rules.

  • Thanks DeusExMachina, The was so nice of you to take the time to explain this to me.

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