please put placement of aces back above the cards being played

Game: klondike
Game #: 192462380
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  • Seriously unhappy with ace cards new placement!

  • DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Please, please revert to former placement of aces.

  • Aces back on top please.

  • Thanks for listening.

  • Thanks for acting on the feedback and reverting to the favoured placement of the Aces.

  • Thanks for saying "reverting to" and not "reverting back to."

  • @barzonymous Yes there is nothing worse than redundantly saying the same thing all over again for another additional time.

  • Sort of like "deja vu all over again"? It may be okay to say it but for some reason it bothers me.

  • binky3 deja vu is fine.Just about sums it up.If we wait long enough it will go away of it's own be replaced with another long-playing record.Ce la vie.

  • graeme....yeah, the deja vu is OK. But, it's adding the "all over again" seems unnecessary to me. As @zudensternen stated above, a bit redundant. Of course he was talking about something else. Guess I'm just a little weird....maybe???

  • @binky3 I have a feeling that you probably don't know of Yogi Berra ( former New York Yankees great catcher ) who basically had his own way of saying things that in their own way required some explaining . He is likely the most quoted athlete of our , or any other time , and some of his quotes are legend . He coined '' it isn't over until its over '' which may be one of the most popular of all time , and in it's own way makes sense . If you google him I am sure you will get some laughs . Regards ...

  • braynededd....I thought of Yogi when I was reading the quote. He was a card, all right. :)

  • justhere..... Good to hear from you again . Have you given up the Crusade to break the Da Valentineinci Code ? I'm sure Yogi would also have some input on that . lol .. take care ..

  • braynededd....sorry, but I was never a part of that particular crusade. You must be thinking of someone else. :)

  • justhere ... sorry about the mistaken identity , just not thinking too sharp today . I guess I'm a little mixed up playing these games against myself and still losing .

  • LOL....I know that feeling. :)

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