
jamzillajamzilla REGISTERED

I love what you have done with the place Except
game of the day rd
Klondike (3 Turn)
.Game #1518893534

3   jamzilla    2024/02/06  2:42pm  52  138 1m35s 

on the leader board I am marked as 5th

2   DiamondDave 2024/02/06  3:03pm  52  152 1m14s
3   djc8415     2024/02/06  1:50pm  52  144 2m8s
4   Ianonymous  2024/02/06 12:30am  52  141 2m40s
5   jamzilla    2024/02/06  9:55am  52  163 4m34

When you work to beat the best It should end up in the correct order Thanks Jim


  • fingsaintfingsaint REGISTERED
    edited February 2024

    Hi @jamzilla the leader board shows a player’s first score, not their fastest


    Yep, @jamzilla, @fingsaint is right. We only show your first score unless you uncheck the box. And that box doesn’t show up on the leader board. I thought we added that, but I don’t see it. Hmm.

    We hear complaints about cheating on Green Felt, and I generally discount them, but the “first score” sort is easy to game, and I think most top player do game it. Sadly, it’s hard to fight on our side. One way to avoid the re-play speedsters is to play Spider! It takes long enough to win that the fast re-players stay away. You’ll notice almost zero overlap between the good Spider players and the good Free Cell players.

    Have fun,

  • How is Forty Thieves scored?

  • @sstexas @barzonymous answered your question when you posted this question. Here's her answer:

    You can find how any game is scored by clicking the Show Rules button in the row of buttons above the cards.

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