Old Friends

@graeme.....Hi dear friend...saw you on klondike this a.m. for first time in a while. Was afraid I'd lost you to the anonymice. Hope you and family had a good Thanksgiving. Mine, of course, wasn't so good without my beautiful sister but still have my wonderful son and he was great. You're just too fast on the games for me to keep up with you but i concentrate more on moves. Just want to beat the game. Hope you're doing well. Would love to hear from your.


  • Hello binky3.Nice to hear from you again.I'm still here,playing every day.The time-frame difference may make it more difficult to catch me on the games.I play 10 to12 and sometimes 4 to 6 U.K time.My younger brother is very seriously ill so I know your feelings over the loss of your sister.It's not easy at times like this.We are all fine here and Cath will be joining us for Xmas.I've played Klondike for more years than I can remember so many of my moves are based on that experience.I'm not fast by intent,it's just the way I play......I can't play any other way,and,of course,I play every day.Enjoy your games and your life and my regards to your very special son........and now to knock out another two dozen games before lunch.......chicken dinner.Stay safe my friend.

  • I know graeme. I don't have any special way of playing. Seems like I play each game in a different way. Sometimes the games will just play themselves if I tap the right card. Surprise!!!!

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