Game Request

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2012 in Feature Requests
I played this one a lot in college. I couldn't remember the name, but after a little searching I found it. It is called Calculation. Here is a link to the rules on wiki: Calculation

I don't think its as easy to win as the citation suggests.


  • I had never heard of Calculation so I looked it up. It is really fun to play!
    Philsey wrote:
    It is called Calculation. Here is a link to the rules on wiki: Calculation.

    That seemed worth trying out, so here's our first version of Calculation Solitaire. Give it a try and let us know if the game play is as you expect. We've never played it anywhere else, so we are not really sure it's correct.

  • Thanks so much for trying this game on your site! There seems to be a bug with the game. I cannot move cards from the stock to the tableau. Cards can only be moved from the stock to the foundations.
    Philsey wrote:
    Thanks so much for trying this game on your site! There seems to be a bug with the game. I cannot move cards from the stock to the tableau. Cards can only be moved from the stock to the foundations.

    Hmm. I seem to be able to move the first card in stock in today's game of the day, the 4C, to the 2C foundation or to any of the tableau piles. Am I misunderstanding how it should work? I can move the second card, the 8D, to the 4S foundation or any of the tableau piles as well.

  • I like the new game but I think that I found a bug -- I got a -1000 score... I did add an ace on a king -- forgetting the rules for a moment.

    Thanks for your site and all that you do.

    meka wrote:
    I like the new game but I think that I found a bug -- I got a -1000 score... I did add an ace on a king

    You are correct! We forgot to enforce the rule of only 13 cards on a foundation. That should be fixed now. Thanks for the bug report.

  • Obviously it is working fine for other people (ignoring the already corrected bug). It must be something at my end.
    I can move cards from the stock to the foundations by dragging/dropping or clicking. I cannot move cards from the stock to the tableau by any method. The tableau piles do not even highlight when I hover a card above them.

    Windows XP, Home Edition, SP3
    Internet Explorer 8, Version 8.0.6001.18702

    Can you think of any settings in Windows, IE or otherwise that might be preventing me from moving cards to the tableaus?

    I can play the other games just fine.
    Philsey wrote:
    Obviously it is working fine for other people (ignoring the already corrected bug). It must be something at my end.
    I can move cards from the stock to the foundations by dragging/dropping or clicking. I cannot move cards from the stock to the tableau by any method. The tableau piles do not even highlight when I hover a card above them.

    Windows XP, Home Edition, SP3
    Internet Explorer 8, Version 8.0.6001.18702

    Can you think of any settings in Windows, IE or otherwise that might be preventing me from moving cards to the tableaus?

    I can play the other games just fine.

    We probably did something that IE8 doesn't like. I'll take a look. In the meantime. Give Firefox or Chrome a try. :)

  • Bingo! It was IE8 messing with me. I downloaded a browser called Maxthon which I had read about in PC World. The Calculation game works fine in Maxthon.

    The game play and rules seem to follow what I remember from my college days.

    If and when you push this game out to the main Greenfelt page, I have another game suggestion that you may be interested in. It too is a little different than the typical solitaire/patience game.

    For a preview, check out "Osmosis" on wikipedia. I made some edits to the wiki page to try and clarify some of the play descriptions. I still want to upload new pictures, but I haven't done that yet.
    Philsey wrote:
    Bingo! It was IE8 messing with me. I downloaded a browser called Maxthon which I had read about in PC World.
    I debugged the IE problem so it should work in all browsers now.

    I'll check out Osmosis and see what's it's like. Thanks for the tip.

  • The game Calculation seems to be working just fine. Any chance of putting a link to it on the main Greenfelt page?
    Philsey wrote:
    Any chance of putting a link to it on the main Greenfelt page?

    It's there now.
  • And on the Leaderboard please...?

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