Scorpion 973947215 - no 9of hearts
Game: scorpion
Game #: 973947215
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15
Window: 1180x710
JS-Version: 2023-07-01_18:39:41_-0700_c72e6d7ebba7296c8eee9a3f9341e97b13fea92f
Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:
There seems to no 9 of hearts in this deck.
In the third row going across, it's between the 5 of hearts and the 2 of diamonds.
@2zr, hold down the "9" and "H" keys (for 9 of hearts) and the game will highlight it (or rather de-highlight all the other cards) so you can find it. It will only show you if it's face up.
This is the game of the day today and I also have no nine of hearts! Odd! . I completed the game otherwise! I’m not sure how to do a screenshot for you, sorry!
I didn't have any problem with 9 of hearts.
3rd column over, behind the 2 of diamonds.
@sam Interesting, I would be interested to know how you completed the puzzle without a 9 of hearts. Did you use a place holder to complete the column??
There is a 9 of hearts and you can't win the game without using it. Fun game. Pretty uncomplicated.
Thanks @david-I always forget that little trick. I just know there are no missing cards, so I keep scouting it out .
At the end of the game I had 5 columns and no nine of hearts! So I couldn’t put the two halves of the string of hearts together! . It was very odd!
It's there- If you do @david's hint, you will see it immediately. Like he said, hold down the 9 and the H keys and it will highlight. It stays with the 5 of hearts until the move to the 10 of hearts.
I believe you that there is a 9 of hearts at the start of the game. 😀 I was surprised at the end of the game when I had three equal length runs of king down to ace for spades, clubs, and diamonds, and two other columns: one the king of hearts down to ten, and the other the eight of hearts down to ace of hearts.
I was going to post a bug report, and checked first to see if anyone had also seen this behavior, and found this thread.
I added my experience in case David and Jim are interested in what seems like a really esoteric bug that appears to have affected two of us. 🙂
... and on replaying, it looks like the 9 of hearts was between the 5 of hearts and the 4 of hearts and I didn’t notice !!
Thanks, everybody! 😀
There has never actually been a missing card in any of the games. And @david's hint will always show you where it is. Glad you found it.