Deck back won't change to Desired choices.

Game: klondike
Game #: 2109373728
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; KFONWI) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Silk/112.5.1 like Chrome/112.0.5615.213 Safari/537.36
Window: 602x777
JS-Version: 2023-04-19_14:30:19_-0700_025b3de209596f6dbd725bc9d8b449eef1350c4d

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:

Cards aren't checked for Canadian fag, stuck on Red oak leaf logo. I presses the "normal" cards but it won't function. I seriously DOUBT they celebrate July4th! Why are we FORCED to recognize this? Are we gonna celebrate EVERY COUNTRY NOW?



    I seriously DOUBT they celebrate July4th!

    That is correct. They celebrate July 1st.

    Why are we FORCED to recognize this?

    We do the holiday cards for fun. Not being able to change the backs was a bug we accidentally introduced. It should be fixed now.

    Are we gonna celebrate EVERY COUNTRY NOW?

    Probably not, but that would be pretty cool!

  • homedoggyhomedoggy REGISTERED
    edited July 2023

    Thx @david
    The best relationship 2 countries have ever had isn't enough? I don't think they celebrate July 4th, but I doubt they have to be reminded that we are having a party.
    October 3rd
    Germany's Unity Day...
    Just a thought

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2023

    Celebrating every country would be really, really cool. All for it.

    Here's a couple suggestions:

    Jul. 14: Bastille Day.
    Jul. 18: Nelson Mandela International Day.

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