
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2011 in Feature Requests
Game: sht
Game #: 4113775310

Please keep the holding spots for all 4 aces together. Proximity trumps symmetry.

Joel Rickert


    Please keep the holding spots for all 4 aces together. Proximity trumps symmetry.
    Your dissent has been noted (I'm being serious: we really do appreciate the feedback). We haven't made a final decision yet.

    I'm curious how you play and if that affects your opinion. Do you normally drag the cards to the foundations? If so, have you tried doing a plain click on the card you want to go to the foundation? Would doing that change your opinion of the new layout?

    Personally I almost always use Control-A to get cards to the foundations so where they are is mostly irrelevant to me.

    Proximity trumps symmetry.

    Well put.

    The only thing I might add is that proximity, in a different sense, was one of the motivations for the change. In particular making the piles you actually touch be closer on average to where your mouse is.

    The main problem I see long term with the change is that my eyes now have to glance to two places to look at the foundations even if I never touch them with the mouse.

    So, while I personally hate the change because I'm used to the old layout, I'm willing to give it a week to see how it plays.


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