split seahaven towers

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2011 in Bug Reports
I hate the new format


    Yeah, I kind of didn't mean to push it up already. I knew we were laying out the game wrong so I changed it to what I remembered as the correct layout, even though I thought splitting up the temporary work piles was kind of an odd choice. I pushed some other stuff yesterday (you may or may not notice the cards animating smoother) and the layout change got stuck in with those other changes.

    Turns out my layout was wrong. Check out:
    and this old computer game box which shows the reasoning behind the layout:
    http://www.exotica.org.uk/mirrors/ami_s ... wers-1.jpg

    The top link is from the people that invented Seahaven Towers in the first place.

    I just changed Green Felt Seahaven to match the "standard" layout, so the temporary spaces aren't split up any more. The Foundations are, but I think that's ok because single-click and auto-finish will put the card on the correct foundation so you don't have to think to hard about it.

    Let's give that a try for a little while and if everyone still hates it we can go back to the old way.

  • I, too hate the new format
    I'm having trouble playing myself, but I agree that it somehow seems better conceptually, so I'm going to give it a few days.

    I will also note that our FreeCell is setup differently from this and the old way.

  • Ho ho ho I'm having more trouble with the holiday colours at the moment - need to get my eyes accustomed to the green again!!
    Merry Christmas Green Felt Guys, you do a fabulous job and I couldn't survive lunchtimes at work without you.

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