solve button

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2011 in Feature Requests
Game: sht
Game #: 34731732

I used to play seahaven on a Silicon graphics workstation. It had a solve button, such that when you were ready to throw in the towel, you hit the solve button just to see if the 'house' could solve it, which it would do before you, or display the word unsolvable if not.


    bt wrote:
    I used to play seahaven on a Silicon graphics workstation. It had a solve button, such that when you were ready to throw in the towel, you hit the solve button just to see if the 'house' could solve it, which it would do before you, or display the word unsolvable if not.

    We implemented a solve button when we first created the site, but we let it fall into disrepair to avoid the temptation to use it. :)

    We do try and pick shuffles for you to play that others have played, so the easiest way to see if it is solvable is to just check the high scores and see if someone has solved it. If lots of people have played over a long time and everyone has the same non winning score, then I suspect it probably not solvable.

    Sometimes I feel that even knowing that the game is winnable is too much of a hint. I think I play differently when I know.

    Have fun and thanks for the feedback,

    PS I wonder if I first played Sea Haven Towers on Silicon Graphics? Hmm...

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