Backs of card decks revert to a default. Choice is not remembered.

Game: klondike
Game #: 152783800
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0
Window: 1903x927
JS-Version: 2022-08-24_15:58:20_-0700_c986e05cda5c1f10e64ef8ef1c1c53d982b64c55

Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible:


  • Hi @Dismalist others have mentioned this. Here is some of the advice previously given:

    Homedoggy says ...if you click on the 'Deck’ icon and that box of choices comes down, you can check the little box next to each design...or several designs. If no boxes are checked, the site rotates the design...but if only one is check, it will remain unchanged...or rotate between your choices

    Jim (the GreenFelt guy) says … we just set a cookie with your choices of card backs, so if you clear your cookies or have your browser set to clear cookies on exit then your choice won’t stick. In particular a new browser will not have your choice. We could store it in your account, but most people play anonymously and we wanted something that will work for them too.

  • Thank you @fingsaint. I had figured out the little box checks, but no woik. The browser updates could be the source of this new problem. It's not going to kill me, so I'll keep fiddling.


  • Dismalist, I don't know if this will help but when you click on a new card back make sure you click off the previous card back. I had this problem once and this is what solved it for me. Of course, I may not be understanding your problem but, you know, worth a try maybe.

  • Ah, justhere, your comment induced me to look at all the little boxes with which to choose card backs. Looks like the owner/controller checked the Ukranian flag as the choice.

    I have nothing against that, but like with the Doomsday Machine in the movie Dr. Strangelove, ya' gotta tell people about it!

  • Oh look-a spam link...

  • Sneaky little devil

  • @jim @david See the last word and number of @run3donlineaz comment above.

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