moving cards

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited October 2011 in Bug Reports
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 732493250
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1

Please describe the problem in detail:
when I move my curser over a card to move it I get the move icon- the 4 points one- rather than the move one card hand- please help, this has happened too frequently for me to play! hate that!


    3bettins wrote:
    when I move my cursor over a card to move it I get the move icon- the 4 points one- rather than the move one card hand
    We change the mouse cursor on purpose when you are over a card that you can move.

    We don't yet change the cursor when you can move multiple cards at a time, so you shouldn't trust it to indicate all the cards you can move. One day we'll fix that.

  • No, it doesn't let me move cards at all, only the entire screen! I used to play this game all the time but this has happened to me so frequently lately that I've just about given up!
  • Is anybody else having this problem? I cannot play this game at all because when I try to move a card it tries to move a shadow of the entire deck on screen. Reloaded it, rebooted my computer, just about given up ever playing this game on here again.
    Have you tried reloading by pressing F5? Does that it fix it up?
    3bettins wrote:
    Is anybody else having this problem? I cannot play this game at all because when I try to move a card it tries to move a shadow of the entire deck on screen. Reloaded it, rebooted my computer, just about given up ever playing this game on here again.
    That's strange. I don't think this a widespread problem, Firefox should definitely work (Jim and I both use Firefox). Can you try holding shift while clicking the reload button? That might give it the kick it needs.

  • nope, neither f5 nor ctrl plus reload worked. I can play other games on the site, just not this one, very odd. very sad.
  • just tried to play again and I still cannot- does the same as before! I surrender!
    3bettins wrote:
    just tried to play again and I still cannot- does the same as before! I surrender!

    I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. If you'd like, give me a call and maybe we can figure out what is going wrong.

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