Another supermove fail
In this vignette from Freecell #1296438581, clicking on the 7 in left column should result in: 4 to red 5, then 7-6-5 to red 8. Doesn't. You have to do those two moves separately. I hit Give Up after this position.
@Jim do you want me to keep posting these as I find them? Are they helpful in debugging supermove edge cases, or is improving supermoves just not on the priority list? (I could understand if that's the case.)
Yes, please do post them! At worst it’s a reminder and at best it’s another special case we need to cover.
One more: Freecell # 2131436490. Click on the 2 of diamonds. What should happen: 9 upstairs, 10 to red jack, ace to home, 2 to its ace. None of that occurs. I hit Give Up after this position.