card choice

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2011 in Feature Requests
I have to agree about being able to choose "random" or a permanent card choice. I find that highly colored or patterned cards are distracting to me in certain solitaire games & always try to choose a neutral one. It is annoying to have to change the random card choice back to what I want so often.


    cappie wrote:
    It is annoying to have to change the random card choice back to what I want so often.

    Sorry about that. That shouldn't be happening. We'll see if we can fix it. For now try these two links (Solitaire or Solitaire) and let us know which one works.

  • I don't understand, what are either of those links supposed to do? They both just lead to the instruction & choice boards.
    cappie wrote:
    I don't understand, what are either of those links supposed to do? They both just lead to the instruction & choice boards.

    Right. I know it sounds crazy, but click on one of the links and then on the game you like to play then set the card back. Then do it again see if the card back setting has been saved. Then try the other link twice as well.


    PS We have a grand plan to allow you to select a subset of the card backs, but we lost motivation.
  • Well I tried clicking on the links you gave. It did keep the card choice I made while I was on the board. However when I came back later after leaving the site entirely, it had gone back to random--a different card back for each game I chose.

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