game time

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2011 in Feature Requests
Game: hopeless
Game #: 89737491

All of the games seem to be based on time but I cannot find anywhere that the time shows. Is it where a player can see it if he wants?



    meakin wrote:
    All of the games seem to be based on time but I cannot find anywhere that the time shows. Is it where a player can see it if he wants?
    There is no timer shown while you play. We tested that for a while but found that it was very distracting. The idea is that you shouldn't worry about the time, just do it as fast as you can and see how you stack up when you're done.

    Also, the time is only used as a tiebreaker when the score is the same. But that turns out to be all the time in the solitaire games because most of them are winnable and so everyone gets the winning score.

    david wrote:
    Also, the time is only used as a tiebreaker when the score is the same. But that turns out to be all the time in the solitaire games because most of them are winnable and so everyone gets the winning score.

    We might consider sorting moves before time. That would generally remove the need to be time conscious.


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