Automatic Reset
URL: /hopeless
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Can you introduce some sort an automatic clear down of previous scores for this game? I am quite tired of self appointed individuals blocking the games out. I am not really interested in being the best or the fastest etc, but it is annoying constantly to see the same games played repeatedly. I don't get the fun of that, it's hardly a challenge.
I'm sure someone would get around it, but it would be refreshing.
@GasKettle, You might try Spider. The games are to long to memorize, so you see a different set of people playing.
@jim: I think the problem with Hopeless is not memorization* but rather a handful of people who revisit the same two or three games every day—games with a high score of 34-35K, where the daily players rarely eclipse 32K. The solution to that would be for the Daily and Weekly High Scores tables to be smarter, showing only games that were first played within the specified time frame.
Another nice improvement would be to show only the highest score for a given game to keep the board from getting filled with a single game.
*Yes, a player sometimes drives everyone else off the board with a high scoring solution that’s clearly memorized, but that happens only after the board was already filled with lame scores for old games. IOW, the memorized play is a reaction to the root problem.