Confirm that "do you want to leave an unfinished game in progress" script/popup window

Game: flower

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Would it be possible to add a script to confirm that you want to leave a game in progress? Similar to the reminder window you get in most Windows programs asking if you want to save any changes made before ending a program. Occasionally on flower garden games when the stacks get long, I have hit the "feature request/bug report" bar at the bottom of the screen. When this occurs it leaves game and goes to this forum. Unfortunately hitting the back/return button on my browser does not take me back to the previous game--it goes back to the flower garden script, but just starts a random new game. Unless someone had the foresight to record the # of the game they were playing before accidentally leaving, i can see no way to return to the same game. By a remote chance, is there a cache of games that a user has played/attempted?



    I’ll try to look into this. This is a reasonable request and not an uncommon one. The other suggestion I like better was to open in a new window/tab. I lean towards that one.

  • Thanks for taking the time to consider. Either solution would work.

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