uživatelské jméno Madona jste mi vyměnily za Moderátora. Chci to opravit !!!!! děkuji
Game: klondike
Game #: 1001423400
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JS-Version: 2021-07-01_21:53:26_-0700_073f291b2e50363b317f3b2317168846c20d766a
Pokud hrajete Green Felt na počítači, klikněte na logo Green Felt v levém horním rohu. Klikněte na své uživatelské jméno v pravém horním rohu a poté klikněte na Nastavení účtu. Zde si můžete změnit své jméno a heslo.
English translation: If you're playing Green Felt on a computer, click on the Green Felt logo, in the upper left hand corner. Click on your user name in the upper right hand corner, then click on Account Settings. You can change your name, and your password, there.
Whoa! Impressed.
Clever lot on this site.
@sierrarose and @graeme Don't be, it's simply Google Translate.
Aw. Take a compliment anyway.
Thank you!
Not only clever - taking the time to translate and inserting all those accents, but also an act of kindness for a complete stranger.
Thank you, Sage. There is hope for humanity!
Thank you @Kenyon Google Translate is very easy... I copied the words at the top, pasted them into the left hand box of Google Translate, chose "Detect language", it chose Czech, and translated it instantly into English. Then I typed my answer in the first box, selected "English" for the first box and "Czech" for the second box, and it translated it into my answer, above, including all the accents and everything.
The above, translated into Czech took, at the most, a second.
Děkuji @Kenyon Překladač Google je velmi snadný... Zkopíroval jsem slova nahoře, vložil je do levého pole Překladače Google, zvolil „Rozpoznat jazyk“, zvolil češtinu a okamžitě to přeložil do angličtiny. Pak jsem napsal svou odpověď do prvního pole, vybral jsem „angličtinu“ do prvního pole a „češtinu“ do druhého pole a přeložilo to do mé odpovědi výše, včetně všech přízvuků a všeho.
We can now have conversations, even if only written (but there're probably ways to do this for voice, too) with anyone around the world, in practically any language. There is certainly hope for humanity.
Sage is truly a gem, taking time to respond and answer questions patiently, especially during those long ago server issues. Sage is a top ranking player and one of the longest running players too. Always brings a smile to my face!
Well, now I really am blushing! Thanks very much, @klick, as well, for all the compliments. I have been on this site a long time and, @klick, you've been here longer than I have. If I am "top ranking" it's because of all the practice I've had here.