I just want to say thank you so much for a great site that we can all enjoy. Thanks!

Game: klondik
Game #: 2134531670

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  • It's my favorite "fun" site.

  • I can never say thank you often enough for the free site that @Jim and @David have provided for us. In addition to the wonderful games, I've enjoyed sharing information with folks I'd like to think of as friends. Everything from pets to dance to movies to just a warm word or two. I love this place. I hope its core never changes.

  • I always look forward to reading the exchanges amongst my fellow players.When you are alone in you'r room,perhaps after a very stressful day,it's just nice to relax and know that you are part of a very special group of people.When you tap into the site you are no longer alone but amongst friends.It means so much to so many people.Thanks Jim and David.

  • very nicely said @graeme. I share your feeling. Thank you Jim & David

  • Oh, yes. Thank you not only for Spider but just happened on home daddy’s Let’s Dance! Made my day—should say week.

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