This one while not the most challenging listed on this thread of hard games, came down to having to have one specific value card of a specific suit in a specific spot to be able to play off on piles and continue to win. https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=238498319
This is a pretty rare occurrence from my experience.
SPOILER ALERT If you are having trouble winning or are lazy then there is a hint below. Note: Will need to highlight sentence below to view:
That was a good one! It took me a few hours to crack it. I looked at your hint afterwards...I was playing the card you referenced early, but it didn't seem to be the key for me. It was finally managing to get two empty tableau piles that did it and I had trouble doing that. When I got all the suit you referenced played, I thought I was on the right track, but I always got stuck from there and had to try something else. Anyway, thanks for the game B^)
I took a stab at the first one, but I'm not sure I will have the time to solve it = or even look at the other!
Thanks for thinking of me B^)
@dbwoerner (or whoever else is interested difficult flower garden games)
The game below (my final score was 25) is the highest score I believe I have ever gotten and not been able to the win game. In my experience a when obtaining a score above 20, approximately 97+ % are winnable. Maybe somebody else can complete this game or has a played another game with a higher score that could not be won. If so please share. https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=2048638455
I've tried this Flower Garden game 4 times and just can't get it. Only 2 people have won it, over 100 have played. game 64504869. If I hadn't seen those 2 winning scores, I would've dismissed it as unsolvable!
@philippa game 64504869
Play off 3rd colum as in screen shot. You can then move queen of hearts to 6th column and 4th column will allow access to tens.
Another challenging one:
This one while not the most challenging listed on this thread of hard games, came down to having to have one specific value card of a specific suit in a specific spot to be able to play off on piles and continue to win.
This is a pretty rare occurrence from my experience.
SPOILER ALERT If you are having trouble winning or are lazy then there is a hint below. Note: Will need to highlight sentence below to view:
8 of clubs was the key for me
That was a good one! It took me a few hours to crack it. I looked at your hint afterwards...I was playing the card you referenced early, but it didn't seem to be the key for me. It was finally managing to get two empty tableau piles that did it and I had trouble doing that. When I got all the suit you referenced played, I thought I was on the right track, but I always got stuck from there and had to try something else. Anyway, thanks for the game B^)
Another challenging one:
Another challenging one:
I took a stab at the first one, but I'm not sure I will have the time to solve it = or even look at the other!
Thanks for thinking of me B^)
Here is another good one:
easy to get 17-18 cards played off, last ones are a bit difficult though
Another challenging one to get the final cards played off:
tough one for me:
Another challenging one:
@dbwoerner (or whoever else is interested difficult flower garden games)
The game below (my final score was 25) is the highest score I believe I have ever gotten and not been able to the win game. In my experience a when obtaining a score above 20, approximately 97+ % are winnable. Maybe somebody else can complete this game or has a played another game with a higher score that could not be won. If so please share.
Tricky one: https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=1481424009
Another challenging one: https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=146811826
146811826 took me only 4 or 5 tries B^)
Another tricky one: https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=627869822
This one is just hard to solve: https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=514965136
game of the day was pretty challenging: https://greenfelt.net/flower?game=2516441660
I've tried this Flower Garden game 4 times and just can't get it. Only 2 people have won it, over 100 have played. game 64504869. If I hadn't seen those 2 winning scores, I would've dismissed it as unsolvable!
@philippa That was a toughie! The 10s are all buried and there are 9s on top of them and it just looks impossible.
@philippa game 64504869

Play off 3rd colum as in screen shot. You can then move queen of hearts to 6th column and 4th column will allow access to tens.
hard one
Game of the day was a hard one. If there was a rating system, I'd give it "8" out of "10".