You and your lovely wife enjoy. Someday I'll have a passport, this world-wide disease will allow us to travel wherever and whenever we desire. Until then imagination and great friendships must do.
@jcody123 if you click on "give up" button at end of game, you will see your rating, either by # of moves or by time, depending on which you've selected. Note also at bottom that you may include Anonymous players, or not. Also, @gmaterre is correct that your rating is #1 by selecting to play on this site. Enjoy your card playing.
Everyone who enjoys playing on rates #1 with me @jcody123! #1. It's a sign of good taste.
I'm all for good taste.Fish and chips for supper.Stay safe.
Fish and Chips! I'm in @graeme. Too bad I live so far away. Elsewise I just might just show up plate in hand. Would that shock you and the missus?
Not one bit my friend you would be more than welcome.If you hurry you may just be in time for afters............fruit and cream.Take care.
You and your lovely wife enjoy. Someday I'll have a passport, this world-wide disease will allow us to travel wherever and whenever we desire. Until then imagination and great friendships must do.
@jcody123 if you click on "give up" button at end of game, you will see your rating, either by # of moves or by time, depending on which you've selected. Note also at bottom that you may include Anonymous players, or not. Also, @gmaterre is correct that your rating is #1 by selecting to play on this site.
Enjoy your card playing.