Please move the GAME OF THE DAY button away from the Auto Finish button.

Game: freecell
Game #: 3267460157

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  • yep, I hit it by mistake too.

  • Makes me crazy!!! However- if I hit “undo” it will take me back so I can finish the game. I liked it much better when auto finish was on the other side

    edited August 2021

    The buttons are there to introduce you to how Green Felt works, but they are not there to be used regularly. This sounds crazy, but it’s not. If you are using a computer, learn the keyboard shortcuts. “a”, control-a, command-a are for auto-finish. z, Control-z, Command-z are for undo (like every other program). Shift-Control-Z, Shift-Command-z, Shift-a, Z are for redo (like for every other program that supports it).

    If you are on a phone/tablet, then we support click/tap outside of any card to mean auto-finish. We don’t have a tap/swipe gesture for undo/redo. This is a bug. Feel free to complain about this and suggest what action you think should do undo/redo.

    Have fun,

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