I should like to see the solution for this " Game of the day".

Game: klondike
Game #: 925655591

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  • Tried it over and over again, can't move "Spade 4".

  • Hi @Beris here’s a snapshot at a point in the game where the 4Spade can move onto 5Heart. Hope this helps you with your game plan.

  • Don't move the 10 of diamonds -- wait and move the 10 of hearts under the 9 of clubs. The red 5 (way) is under there.

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    I won it pretty quickly when I didn't move the first " black Jack" that showed up. And yes, don't move the obvious cards right away. And don't be afraid to use "undo" a lot. It's a tricky game, but it's winnable. It's more "wait" then "move." Losing the game teaches you how to win.

  • Hello Beris.A little bit tricky but all of the above applies.Went round the block a few times before completion.Don't get disheartened.Don't be afraid to move the cards around.With the more difficult games the 'easy route' will not lead to resolution.Take you'r time,see what alternative moves there are.The more you play the more success you'll have in 'reading 'the game.Even the best of players can struggle to complete the more difficult games so you are not alone.As you have just seen,there are many here who will be only too happy to give you good advice.Enjoy.

  • I've longed to see solutions to games I could not complete.

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    My theory is that if other people have won, then it's winnable. And if I can't win it with my best efforts, I just move on and win the next one.

    The game you posted-tricky, but winnable.

  • Thank you for advise. Nice gaming to all of you

  • Hope you win it. I know you will!

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