Show player's fastest score, not their muscle memory ability

In addition to "show first not fastest" it would now be helpful if we had an option to show just a player's fastest score, once.

It seems we have someone intent on demonstrating that they can do 90 moves in 8 seconds over and over and over again. I'm sure it's entertaining for them, but speaking personally it's boring as all hell. but the only option is to "show first not fastest" which doesn't always show you the "best" score, since often the first attempt isn't successful.

Also, where do I send the bill for addiction treatment to get me off this thing?


  • Hi @twohotrocks players can play anonymously or, if they wish, under any number of user names so there is no limit to how many best scores they can achieve despite your suggestion.

    On the second point, addiction fees can be added to next month’s high rollers’ premium subscription fee.


    We have an idea for how to do this. One day.

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