Is it possible for you to lock posts so no further comments can be made?

If so, I may have a thread to request to lock! ;)


  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    Adding to the request. Trolls may be hungry-we don't have to feed them.

  • Please! I meant to ask, will you please lock a thread by request! :smiley:


    We can lock threads.

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    I think @sam and I both would like the "idiot programmer" thread locked. @david had the perfect response, but it would be great if that post now just dropped to the bottom into a well deserved oblivion. Thank you.

  • It’s @jim and @david ‘s site, so it’s their call, but I find locking threads just because of trolling or ranting to be unsatisfying and ultimately futile.

  • I agree with @barzonymous, please lock that thread. I would really like not to see it!

  • It's the subject line that is the problem. The vile lines stay up. Lock them away or pull their teeth?

  • barzonymousbarzonymous REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    The post by the op after the title is insulting, profane and actually quite stupid. But if people just let. it. drop..... It's not the first time a post thread has been locked.

  • binky3binky3 REGISTERED
    edited July 2021

    I agree well as the constant responses repeated over and over. The insulting original post is still there.

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